Mittwoch, 13. April 2011

Tactics (40)

In the diagram below you see a position from Luch - Bacrot (Bundesliga 2011). White to move. Is it possible to take the pawn on c6 (Rxc6) with ideas of axb4; Rxc8 Rxa4; Bh6?


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No, it is not possible as the game proves: 28.Rxc6? axb4 29.Rxc8 Rxa4 30.Bh6 Ra8 31.Bxf8 Rxc8 32.Rxc8 Qb7! (32.- f6 33.Bxb4+ =) 33.Re8 Qc6 34.Rb8 Qc7 0-1 (35.Re8/a8 Qc1+ 36.Kg2 Qc6+ wins the rook; but the main point is as follows: 35.Bd6+ Qxb8 36.Bxb8 diagram

36.- b3! and the pawn is unstoppable -+

This game is mentioned in IM Souleidis famous column "Gurken des Wochenendes" ("Trash of the Weekend").[1] In my opinion it does not really qualify since deep calculation is needed here. Good work by Bacrot!




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