Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2010

Blunder (20)

Black's last move 16.- Qe6-b6?? was really bad in Werle - Bartel (Bundesliga 2010).

17.Nxc4! (17.Bxc4 was also good) dxc4 (17.- Qxb5 18.Nd6+) 18.Qxf5 and White had no problems to make use of the won pawn, 1-0, 30.


2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

It's strange that my folk (Bartel) did not see this simple move...

chessview hat gesagt…

This is strange that my folk (Bartel) did not see that move. I think he should notice it.

Btw. good blog. I'm going to come back here more often!