Better would have been 19.- Be6 20.Rxe6 Qxd4 (if 20.- fxe6?? 21.Bxe6+ Kh8 22.Bxe7! and Black cannot take the bishop because of Ng6+ and Qh3+)
After 19.- Qxd4?? White played 20.Bxf7+ and Black resigned (21.- Kxf7 22.Rxe7+).
Chess Blog in German and English
Better would have been 19.- Be6 20.Rxe6 Qxd4 (if 20.- fxe6?? 21.Bxe6+ Kh8 22.Bxe7! and Black cannot take the bishop because of Ng6+ and Qh3+)
After 19.- Qxd4?? White played 20.Bxf7+ and Black resigned (21.- Kxf7 22.Rxe7+).
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