Obviously there is no way for White to prevent the promotion of Black's pawn since 1.Nh7+ Ke8 2.Nf6+ Kd8 3.Rd7+ leads to nowhere because the square d1 (from which it would be possible to stop the pawn) is protected by Bf3.
But there is a chance for White to draw with the key move: 1.Rd7! Now, after 1.- f1-Q, White has a "remisschaukel" with 2.Nh7+ Ke8 (2.- Kg8 3.Nf6+ Kh8 4.Rh7#) 3.Nf6+ and draw. The point of Rd7 is to make sure that the black king cannot escape via d8.
I think it is quite useful to know this small trick, though I must admit I never got the chance to use it in an over the board game.
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