With games like this Magnus Carlsen proves that he will be the next World Chess Champion. At least I have no doubt that this is going to happen.
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With games like this Magnus Carlsen proves that he will be the next World Chess Champion. At least I have no doubt that this is going to happen.
Black's idea is hard to understand. Fixing the pawn f3 on a white square? Now White has an easy way to win. 62.Bc3+ Kg5 (62.- Kf7 loses the pawn f4 and the game after Kd4-Ke4-Bd2) 63.Bxg7 Kxh5 64.Bd4 Kh4 (maybe Black is dreaming about winning the pawn f3 and sacrificing the bishop for the d-pawn, but this is not going to happen) 65.Bc5 (65.Bf2+ is better) Bb8 66.Kd4 Kg5 (66.- Kg3 67.Ke4 loses the f-pawn after White's d6, d7, Bd6, Bxf4+) 67.d6 a5 68.Kd5 a4 69.Bb6 1-0
Solution (diff. ♠♠♠○○): 1.d6 Rd2 2.d7!! Rxd7 (2.- Kg7 3.Bf5 Nc5 4.Re8 Nxd7 5.Re7+ +-) 3.Be8! winning an exchange (1-0, 58.)